Registration Form

Welcome to Cantilon Choirs! 

Please fill out the following registration form. As we get closer to the start of the choral season, we will contact you with more information. 

If you are a new chorister registering in Belle Canto, Vox Hominis, Chamber Choir or Children’s Choir, your conductor would like to hear you. Please click here to book an audition.


Please use parent email if registering a child who does not have an email address
Applicable if registering a child
Applicable if registering a child
KINDERSINGER PROGRAM ONLY Please choose which semester you'd like to register for Kindersingers. You are welcome to register for both if you'd like to do a full year program
Were you invited to join by a Cantilon family? Please add chorister name and they will receive a $50 discount on their fees * applies to new registrations only